Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Thankful for time... that flies and stands still...

Wow, it sure has been a while since I have been on here!

It's amazing how quickly I can get swept up in the day to day of life.
It is a bittersweet but I am so grateful for the fact that my life is so full that that it does go so fast and I choose to cherish it for what it is.
I do wish I documented on here more.
I do wish I had the witty humor and the words to share our life in a way that drew you into our daily world. Somedays I do, somedays I don't.


I know this is our season, good or bad, easy or hard, it just is what it is.

So for now, as I find moments like these, I will capture what I capture.

And today, I capture my thankfulness...

I am thankful for my loving, kind, generous husband who truly has a heart of gold.

I am thankful for my gentle spirited, tender hearted 6 year old Mia Grace who loves Jesus and us  deeply and whom can melt you with her tender words in a heartbeat.

I am thankful for my passionately full of life 4 year old Anna Beth who consistently fills our days with laughter and love and who engulfs you with all of who she is. 

I am thankful for my unknown daughter who already reminds me of ALL that I have to be thankful for now and in the future as I pray for her daily and can't wait to turn this picture into one of me and three beautiful daughters.