Monday, February 9, 2009


It is amazing to me how one can function on such little sleep. Mia had a tough couple of days (as did I). I think it was a combination of the following:

1) Mom has a cold
2) Mia has a slight cold
3) Mia has her days and nights mixed up
4) Mia has gas ALL the time which really makes her little life difficult
5) Due to above mentioned Gas, Mia has a penchant for chomping thus making mommy miserable! It only takes one or two chomps to set us back days of healing! 

Despite all of this, the joy I feel when I look at this sweet sleeping face makes it all melt away....

 I guess that answers my own question of how one functions on such little sleep.


Courtney said...

Okay- so is it possible to save up sleep on my side of things? That sure would be great- save up now so you don't need it once the baby's here!! I'll be thinking of you and hoping you get some rest! :)

Dawn said...

Glad you like the sleep sack. It was our favorite for a long time! Sorry Mia is under the weather. Sick babies are no fun!