Anna Beth Fisher
11-21-2010 - 1:14pm
6lbs 8oz and 19 inches
What an incredible blessing to end our pregnancy journey!
Her arrival story....
Friday 11-19-2010 we went to the MDO and she indicated that my fluid levels were getting to the point that if we wanted to try and turn her sweet self out of the Breech positions we should do so sooner than later or miss our window. We had hoped to wait until 38 weeks so they could induce if she flipped but alas... that was not the plan. We scheduled our attempt for Sunday morning at 8:30 am.
Sunday morning we went in prepared for a baby in the event something unexpected happened but planning to be home in time for lunch. I had a few strong contractions the day before and that night but nothing to write home about. When the MD came into get ready for the attempt she checked my cervix and it had moved from 1cm 2 weeks earlier to 3cm and 50% effaced. She was a bit surprised but my contractions were abnormal so we moved forward.
They gave me a shot of medicine to relax the uterus and shortly there after we made two attempts to flip her. This entails me taking a deep breath and blowing out while the MD puts her hands on the baby's head and butt and attempts to get her to do a forward roll. We tried 2 times and she moved about half way and wouldn't budge! The MD explained they would watch me for a couple hours and then send me home. She also explained that if my water broke at home when later started I needed to get in the car IMMEDIATELY and get to the hospital and call on the way. Its too dangerous for a breech baby and they don't want to take any chances. This kind of freaked us out a bit and Daniel decided it sure would be nice if I could just have her that day and get the worry away. (Since we were going to have a c-section either way).
Well, Anna Beth must have agreed. About an hour after the attempt, my MD came in to ask if my contractions were getting more intense and I agreed as they were not too comfy any longer. She said they would watch and check again. An hour later, the contractions were increasing in intensity and frequency so they checked and I had dilated to 4cm and my water bag was bulging. Anna Beth had decided it was time to arrive.
Lots of information, doctors and about an hour later I was getting drugged up on the operating table while Daniel waited outside to join us. Anna Beth got the hiccups right as they were numbing me so that was pretty special last moments. Within 30 seconds of the anesthesia my body from the chest down was gone (that's what it felt like) and my hands were tingly. Daniel came in and it was showtime!
I got a little sick a few times (they think from the jostling of the stomach) and shortly there after I heard the sweetest squeaks I had been waiting 37 weeks to hear.
The first thing I said as the tears filled my eyes were she sounds so different from Mia Grace. Daniel was such a sweet support and I sent him over to meet our sweet girl. He did a phenomenal job documenting in photos for me as I was a big out of it. The next thing I know the NICU nurse brought me my sweet girl to meet her for the first time. Such an incredible moment that I am so thankful Daniel captured for me.
I then heard my MD ask Daniel if he wanted to see my uterus and she proceeded to show him the uterus, falopian tubes and ovaries. Ask him about it sometime!
They took Anna Beth away for met go get to recovery and Daniel stayed by my groggy side. I was in recovery for about an hour, Anna Beth's Apgar scores were 8 and 9 and she was in our room as soon as we moved to postpartum.
Even though the C-Section was not our plan. clearly it was HIS and we couldn't have asked for things to go more smoothly.
More to come on the following days but here is our first "Fisher Four" picture. Mia Grace loves her baby sister!
I'm very glad to hear everything went well.
As for this, "I then heard my MD ask Daniel if he wanted to see my uterus and she proceeded to show him the uterus, falopian tubes and ovaries. Ask him about it sometime!"
No thanks.
Oh Jennie! I am so glad that everything went as well as it did for you in the hospital. Looking forward to meeting Anna Beth and thank you for sharing your story. God has definitely answered our prayers for your family!
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